There is no other mechanical treatment that would accelerate the skin’s ability to regenerate collagen and restart collagen production.

Similar to the well-known Dermaroller treatment, it is also an Anti-aging treatment with a needle mesotherapy technique that not only results in younger, firmer skin, but also has a beneficial effect on scarred, acne prone skin and wrinkles. Compared to the Dermaroller, the depth of the needle can be adjusted depending on the area to be treated, and the needle tears the skin less due to its vertical movement, thus allowing a more effective and gentle treatment.

Very spectacular results can be achieved without surgery!!!

With the help of Mesofill-R, micro-injuries are created on the skin, which triggers the body’s self-healing mechanism, the production of its own collagen, thus the skin is stretched, renewed, wrinkles and scars disappear!

Through the pierced channels, various regenerating substances are delivered to the skin, which further enhances skin renewal.

Improvement is also seen after 1-2 treatments, but usually 4-6 repetitions are needed to achieve the desired effect. The treatment is repeated every 2-4 weeks, depending on the skin type. Mild redness that develops after treatment can be covered immediately with a primer. The next day, no trace of treatment is usually visible, but the use of sunscreen is still mandatory for 2 weeks.

MesoFill-R is much gentler on the skin during treatment than its predecessor! Many people are afraid of the procedure, but do not have to, because it is almost painless, only after treatment in the healing stage the skin is a little more sensitive and can stretch.

What is needle mesotherapy good for?

  • acne scars,
  • seborrheic skin,
  • small scars left after chickenpox,
  • aging skin, small wrinkles, smoking wrinkles,
  • pigment spots, hyperpigmentation,
  • the skin will feel smoother,
  • couperosa-like symptoms are reduced,
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

If you like it, sign up for treatment. The weather is right from September to start the treatment series.

For our professional creams, visit our webshop: www.kremvilag.hu

1132 Budapest, Visegrádi street 17.
+36 30 966 1111

8200 Veszprém, Szeglethy József utca 1
2. emelet (Belvárosi Üzletház)
+ 36 20 474 5331



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